
Программа для калибровки аккумулятора ибп скачать

Программа для калибровки аккумулятора ибп

How do I perform a Battery Calibration on my Smart-UPS?
How do I perform a Battery Calibration on my Smart-UPS? Product Line: Environment: All models, All Serial Numbers. Occasionally you may find that the runtime being reported by your Smart-UPS and the runtime expected are different. Running a Battery Calibration may help.

Resolution: During normal operation, your Smart-UPS will display an estimated runtime via the software, network management card, or LCD screen. This runtime will vary depending on the load attached, the battery charge, and the age of the batteries. Performing a calibration forces the UPS on battery, drains the battery down, and charges it back up. This "teaches" the UPS what the true runtime available is. Draining the battery and recharging puts some wear and tear on the battery system and is not recommended unless there is a specific issue you are trying to address. Please keep in mind that the runtime reported while the UPS is online is only an estimate.

The runtime reported when the UPS is on battery power is more accurate. Due to increased wear and tear on the battery we recommend performing a calibration no more than once every 6 months (if needed). There are two types of calibrations - Manual and User Commanded. User Commanded: This is the preferred method for all Smart-UPS except for models beginning with SU (IE: SU700NET). Calibration is initiated from Power Chute Business Edition, the Network Management Card, or the LCD Screen of the UPS (if so equipped). Ensure that the normal load is attached Ensure Battery is charged to 100% before beginning Calibration Load should be more than 30% for best results UPS will drain the battery, then switch back online and charge back up Calibration must not be interrupted to deliver valid results. This is the preferred method for "SU" series Smart-UPS, or any time that a User Commanded Calibration is not possible Stop the Power Chute software from running and disconnect the serial, USB, or Ethernet cable(s). There must be at least a 30% load attached to the UPS during this procedure, and this load cannot fluctuate more than +/- 5%.

THIS IS IMPORTANT Attach a non-critical load to the UPS and then force the UPS on battery by disconnecting it from utility power Allow the unit to run on battery until it turns off completely. The load attached to the UPS will drop . If the Load is not at least 30% or if the calibration is ended before the UPS drops the load, the calibration will not work. Plug the UPS back into the wall outlet and allow it to recharge (preferably turned off)

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